In-kind donations are gratefully received from individuals, churches, community groups, and businesses
t the Center, 510. S. 4th (4th & State)
- Donations of clean, usable items are gratefully accepted on Monday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only (alley entrance)
- Donations of food (unopened packages, with unexpired dates) or fresh produce are gratefully accepted on Monday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (northeast door)
(Excess produce shared from your garden is especially appreciated)
PLEASE, PLEASE -- Do Not bring donations when the facilities are closed. Thank you!
At the Store, 2325 Elm (24th & Elm)
- Donations of clean, salable items are gratefully accepted on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (alley entrance)
PLEASE, PLEASE -- Do Not bring donations when the facilities are closed. Thank you!
Especially needed at both locations are:
- housewares (especially pots and pans)
- small appliances in good, working order
- home décor and knick knacks
- children’s clothing, shoes, and toys
- men’s clothing and shoes
- Extra-Extra-Large men's and women's clothing in sizes 2x and larger
- towels, sheets, and other bedding
A few items that we CANNOT accept at either location are:
- all infant cribs and car seats
- all mattresses and box springs and bed pillows
- most electronics, including TV's
- all large furniture, although some small furniture is acceptable